Master Plan Phases
Project Phases

Phase 1: Project Formulation
This phase establishes focus areas for the Master Plan study and the framework to conduct the analysis. Elements of this phase include:
- 2006 Master Plan review
- Project setup/scoping
- Project management planning
- Aeronautical survey

Phase 2: Investigation
This phase defines the public engagement process, identifies baseline conditions for the study, and forecasts future demand levels. Forecasts are reviewed and approved by the FAA. Elements of this phase include:
- Public involvement programming
- Airport goal setting and long-term visioning
- Inventory of existing facility conditions
- Environmental inventory
- Aviation activity forecast
- AGIS obstruction analysis

Phase 3: Solutions & Implementation
This phase quantifies facility needs (existing/future), evaluates demand-driven development alternatives, and establishes financially feasible steps to implement preferred solutions. Elements of this phase include:
- Identification of development alternatives
- Alternatives evaluation
- Selection of preferred comprehensive development alternative
- Financial feasibility analysis
- Implementation and capital improvement programming
- Environmental overview (NEPA analysis)

Phase 4: Documentation
This phase documents the Master Plan processes, outcomes, and the supporting analysis. The Airport Layout Plan and Exhibit 'A' Property Map are reviewed and approved by the FAA. Elements of this phase include:
- Study documentation
- Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
- Exhibit 'A' Property Map
Special Emphasis Study
Terminal Assessment and Regional Access
This study is a detailed analysis of the LAN terminal facility and supporting regional access system. Elements of this phase include:
- Building and roadway inventory
- Terminal condition assessment
- Terminal modeling and programming
- Terminal capacity analysis
- Terminal and regional access alternatives
- Terminal total cost of ownership/lifecycle costing
- Preferred terminal and regional access alternative